Chance the Wonder Dog / Animal Stories 1

First Pup

Neuroenergetic ReleaseTM (NER) has provided me with many stories of near-miraculous results for people, but the question often comes: does a client need to believe in NER in order for it to work?

The short answer is “no” but, before I go into why that is, let me just say that the most informative answer to these questions comes from my work with animals and infants.

You might agree that neither of these groups receiving NER could be argued as believing or not believing in a healing modality. And yet NER works with both of these classes of patients.

It was the fall of 2003, a Sunday afternoon. I was teaching a seminar. I got a call from my then wife that my dog was going into labor, and I needed to get home. I finished the seminar a little earlier and told my students I’d make the time up to them. I got home before any puppies were birthed. Apparently, my dog wanted me to be there! It was about 5:00 PM and this was the start of what was going to be a long night. I had arranged for a doggy Doula (an obstetrics nurse who delivered puppies on the side) to help with the delivery and another close friend was there, too.

It turned out to be a long and eventful evening with the last of nine puppies arriving about 5:30 AM. We weren’t sure that last puppy was going to make it alive.  My dog was a purebred yellow Labrador retriever and she had been bred with a field champion. There were a number of pretty miraculous things that occurred that night, including the last two pups being delivered hours after the others. That much of a lapse can be fatal for the pups, and bad for the mother.

The Doula had a Doppler to check the pups’ heartbeats and help to give us an idea of how many pups were left to be delivered. By 3:00 AM seven were born and we thought there were one or two left.

The next pup came about an hour later after an injection of Pitocin (a drug that stimulates labor). So we now thought there was one more pup left unborn, and we had one shot of Pitocin remaining.

At 5:00 I told the Doula she better use that shot now or that last pup would never have a chance. She gave the mom that shot and the last pup was delivered about 20 minutes later, alive. That, I felt was a miracle in itself.

What I most want to tell you about the is 6th pup that was born, a boy.

There were seven boys and two girls. This boy was born with a deformed lower jaw, the mandible. The bone in the lower jaw on both sides was bent downward like his mouth had been jammed open up against another pup’s head or something in utero. This made it so he couldn’t close his jaw, and he couldn’t suckle. When we put him in front of a nipple he couldn’t latch on and feed himself. We dropper fed him watered down goats’ milk to keep him alive.

As what I do and live is NER, I began working on his jaw. I had worked on animals before, so I knew I could help them. But, I had never attempted something like this: I was literally attempting to reshape bone. Nonetheless I started to apply my fingers to his jaw, in a way that felt right, and to do the NER breath for him. For those of you who are familiar with NER, you know there’s a breath that a client does as I touch NER points on the body. In the case of animals, infants, or the unconscious, I do the breath for them. The breath acts as an energetic reset switch and the body moves towards the changes I’m guiding.

I can’t say I could detect much change that day, but I felt something was happening.

The next day I had the vet come by to check the pups and the mom out and to do their dew claws. Mom and the other pups were all good but this one boy, with the deformed jaw, not so much. The vet said that he would never be normal but maybe later, with surgery, or several surgeries, he might be able to eat by himself. She said she could put him down, if I wanted. She also said I could keep him alive by continuing to dropper feed or tube feed him. I checked internally, as I often do in difficult circumstances, and listened to my feelings and intuition. It just didn’t feel right to end this pup’s life without giving him a chance. I told the vet no, I was going to keep him for now. I asked her to do the pups’ dewclaws so they would be ready to go to new homes in eight weeks. Feeling, somehow, he would be among those going to new homes, I asked that the vet include him.

I was home alone that day, just me, my dog, and her pups. As the vet drove off, I wondered how things were going to unfold.

I continued to work on this boy’s jaw every chance I could. Before work, after work, when I got up in the middle of the night to check on the pups. I had seen near miraculous things with my human patients when I was presented with something unknown or unprecedented. I didn’t know what my limits were in helping this pup, but I was willing to give it a go.

Within two or three days I could see and feel a change in his mandible. It was gradual, but incrementally he was able to close his mouth more and more. With NER, what I say is I’m giving the body new information on how to shift. The body takes in this information and  heals itself.

In about 10 days he was able to fully close his mouth. We put him in front of a nipple and lo and behold he was able to latch on and suckle. From that moment on whenever mom would lay down to nurse her pups, he would scramble and push off the other pups so he could get a nipple.

It was heartwarming to watch but, more importantly, it was a huge relief. Not only had he taken in the information NER had given him, but he was matching my efforts with his own! There was no doubt he was making up for lost time.

From time to time the Doula would come by to visit the pups and to check on the progress of the one with the bad jaw. As the weeks went by, she eventually asked if she could have that pup and, of course, I said “yes.”

I was relieved that he would go to a good home and be loved. I could not have ethically sold him as a registered lab knowing that he might have some underlying condition that caused the jaw problem.

Well, he turned out to be quite normal and smart. She named him Chance, because I had given him a chance. She called him the miracle dog. She trained him to be a registered therapy dog. She would take him into hospitals and visit patients with him. So not only did this dog get a chance, he went on to help many people feel better.

One never knows how one’s actions are going to ripple out into the universe.

So, the takeaways I want you to have from this story is NER is not dependent upon a patient believing in it. Intuition, or what I feel is divine guidance, has been instrumental in the development of NER. And, I don’t know what the limits of NER are. I tell people up front if I’ve treated like conditions before and what I think chances of success are.

In cases where I haven’t seen a condition before, I tell them I am willing, if they’re willing, to follow experience, intuition and guidance to see where it can go. I don’t like to make NER about me. Yes, I developed it, often through what I consider my gifts from the Universe or God. But then I also apply my intellect and knowledge of science to understand the insights gained through intuition to understand relationships on multiple different levels. This allows me to apply NER to similar patterns with other patients without having to rely on intuition and discovery all the time. Understanding these relationships on structural, neurological, energetic, physiological and sometimes emotional level allows me to recognize like patterns in other patients.

This has allowed me to become faster and more efficient practicing NER. And to gives me more tools to teach NER to other practitioners.

So back to the question: Does a client need to believe in NER in order for NER to work? No, they just need to be open enough to say “maybe” and give it a go.

Chance-siblings 13 days old
Chance-siblings 13 days old 2
Chance about 11 weeks old

2 thoughts on “Chance the Wonder Dog / Animal Stories 1”

  1. What an act of selfless lovingkindness! I love the entirety of this story, and the intent from which it was derived. So cool, wholesome and impactful!

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