Manual Therapy Training for Health Professionals
Don Kipp is the Einstein of the Manual Therapy Profession. His development of Neuroenergetic Release is not only brilliant, it really works
NER is gentle for both the practitioner and the client and. reestablishes biomechanical and energetic balance in the body. My center of gravity and posture are back to normal. I feel less stress on my joints and chronic aches and pains have disappeared.” Richard S Kronen, D.C.
“The single best anatomically oriented bodywork class I have ever taken. An invaluable step-up in understanding effectiveness and personal well being.” Cathy R. Justice CMT
“You must experience it! My own structure balanced from a 30-35½ degrees ant. pelvic tilt, to 7½ degrees in just 15-20 minutes, and it has held. Incredibly, I witnessed a friend who has suffered from chronic back pain and limped for years, after 15 min. of NER, experience a 95% reduction in pain and no longer limp! That’s when I knew I had to take this class!” CMT
Less is More! Neuroenergetic Release®
- Less Force (Use The Body’s Control Systems To Facilitate Change)
- Less Time (Change/Relief Happens Quickly)
- Less Discomfort For The Patient/Client (Pain Is Counterproductive)
- Less Wear & Tear On Your Hands & Body (You Can Work Longer)
- Less Maintenance (Addresses Core Sources/Patterns, Results Hold!)
- More profound results for patients/clients
what Patients have to say
What is NER?
Neuroenergetic Release® (NER) is a unique whole-istic system that ...
Postural Analysis and Intro to NER
Enhance your effectiveness with any modality and see how effective NER is...
FREE Introductory Lecture and Demonstration
Basic theory and principles are presented (Open to general public.) ...
Seminar & Lecture Schedule
Donald W. Kipp: Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) practitioner and expert, Educator, Author, Wellness and Evolutionary Speaker
Seminar Registration
Click above to open the form, print and send or fax to the address on the form, or fill out form below to request information online. All registrants must read our public policies concerning continuing education.
Sponsor Information
We periodically schedule seminars in the Denver area as demand justifies. We will also schedule seminars in other locations if sponsored and minimums are guaranteed. Please fill out information form if interested in attending or sponsoring seminars.
Coming Soon!
Neuroenergetic Release™ Master Practitioner Program
The intent of this program is to produce practitioners of who have fully mastered Neuroenergetic Release™ and are highly proficient in its application and practice.
This program will consist of five modules 3 to 5 days long spaced approximately every two months. There will be a Zoom and or phone conference in between each module to answer questions and clarify materials.
It is envisioned that a significant portion of these master practitioners will go on and become assistant and lead instructors helping to teach NER to a wider audience of health professionals.
Program will consist of at least 160 hours of direct contact instruction with Donald Kipp.
Approximately 10 hours of distant instruction via video conference in between the modules. Participants will be expected to complete and log at least 200 hours of clinical NER practice with their own patients or clients.
Applicants will have to pass a proficiency exam administered by Donald Kipp. This exam will have both written and hands-on clinical aspects.